The Rules and Etiquette of Borrowing Pens

Has it ever happened that someone borrowed your pen and now it’s theirs? No matter how much we want it back, there’s always hesitation about asking back a “pen”. However little it may seem, it’s still a belonging and it reflects the manners and responsibility of the one lending it. This blog will touch on an untouched topic that might touch hearts. Not being very dramatic, let’s begin with some unwritten & unspoken rules for borrowing things!

Rule #1: Always Ask. Nicely!

We know what is borrowing without asking. If you don’t want to get accused of stealing, go to your coworker and ask for an in a polite manner (smile for bonus points). This is a reflection of how your personality and also works in maintaining workplace harmony. 

Rule #2: Use It Like It’s Really Precious

Once you borrow a pen, don’t treat it as some random object but as something really valuable. Only if you keep it in mind you will use it as you should. No chewing, no aggressive clicking or leaving it just anywhere. Show some respect!

Rule #3: Return It Promptly

Anything borrowed isn’t for you to keep. Return it to the owner as nicely as you asked for it after you are done with your work. This simple action shows that you are responsible and they will not hesitate to help you again.

Rule #4: Replace It If It’s Lost

It’s possible for a pen and bobby pins to disappear but in case you lose someone else’s pen, be truthful about it. Accept your mistake and even replace the pen with one as good so you don’t come across as unreliable. 

Rule #5: Don’t Make It a Habit

We are sure you don’t want to be the person who is known for borrowing pens. It’s like you don’t even bother to buy a little thing. Get a few pens by yourself and keep them with you. Remember- borrowing daily is not cool.

Rule #6: Maybe Stay Off Fancy Pens

If someone has a really interesting or precious-looking pen, don’t ask for it unless it’s too urgent. Just stick to the basic pends because god forbid if anything happens to those stunning pieces, how will you get them back? 

Rule #7: One Pen is Enough

It’s nobody else’s business if you need multiple color pens. Bring your own things because asking for many at once is too much of pushing it.

The Etiquette of Borrowing Pens

1. Show Gratitude

Don’t be that ungrateful person who doesn’t even say a simple “thank you”. Acknowledge and appreciate the favor of the lender.

2. Leave Their Favorites

If someone has a particular favorite pen, don’t eye it. Nobody wants people to be asking for their special possessions.

3. Offer a Backup

If in case you have a blue pen but you want a black one, offer yours to them so they don’t hesitate to offer their pen for a while.

4. Handle with Care

Take care of somebody else’s property. It shows you care.

5. Know When to Say No

If you don’t want to give your pen, just politely decline or maybe tell them about the office supplies.

Why It’s More Than Just a Pen

Borrowing pens is a reflection of how you treat others’ belongings and that can make or break trust and respect in the workplace. A small item like a pen can be of great value to somebody so be respectful of their things. Don’t make anyone regret helping you.

Remember 3 things- ask, respect and return because gestures make the biggest impressions.

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