What Will Make Coworking Space Sustainable In The Future?

Today, the public is more interested in companies that put efforts into protecting the environment. While the traditional workspaces are doing a little, commercial office spaces for rent in Noida are holding on to deeper sense of saving the planet. The future demands sustainability and coworking spaces have the potential to solve the problem of sustainability in real estate. Coworking spaces have the potential for solving many problems.

The world is on the route of sustainability to build a better future for coming generations after having witnessed the unexpected, unheard, and unseen disasters in the world. With every passing day, we are approaching the saturation point of climate emergency and hence, environmental sustainability is all over the internet. Seeing this growing awareness and demand for eco-friendly products, builders and developers are more focused on mindful construction works.

Coworking spaces have become very popular with startups and freelancers. While some people are still working from home, others are returning to their offices. Those coming back to offices need to watch their practices when to stay sustainable because offices can contribute a lot to producing carbon footprint. The shared commercial office spaces in the Noida expressway share the utilities to become eco-friendly.

8 Things Will Make Coworking Space Sustainable In The Future

Sharing the resources

Coworking spaces are shared by multiple companies, teams and individuals. These spaces exhibit a huge potential to support environmental sustainability due to their sharing-oriented design. The members share workspace, supplies and other resources, thereby cutting down on basic wastefulness.

In contrast to traditional offices, shared spaces offer common utilities to all workers like a printer, coffee machine, internet etc. making it a very cost-effective deal. They also send less waste to landfills and consume less electricity. If the businesses still have been operating out of their different offices, there has been a huge wastage.

Adopting the reusables

Even after global digitization, a lot of paper still goes to waste due to unnecessary printing. Coworking spaces are seen promoting environmental sustainability by reminding their members to use less paper, use more cloud services and digital signatures and use both sides of the sheets for optimum utilization. Most shared commercial office spaces in Noida Expressway also have washable dishes for regular use instead of disposables. The companies using their printed mugs are also on a path of preventing plastic waste.

Using natural light

Some smart coworking spaces are also making use of renewable power sources by generating solar energy. Also, coworking spaces think efficiently in terms of lighting. Most of these workspaces are well-lit with a lot of natural light. The open and spacious layout enables better transmission of light making the space bright thereby minimising the usage of artificial light. Unnecessary lighting is a major power drain so intelligent LED lighting is installed which uses considerably less power and lasts longer.

Greener office for the win

Coworking spaces have numerous indoor plants that make the space greener and more beautiful. The plants don’t just add to the beauty but also help improve air quality. Most of the coworking spaces also have large and open common areas with plants and greenery. Let’s Connect India coworking is a shared office for rent in Noida that creates a green and sustainable shared workspace which is good for everyone, even the environment.

Energy Efficient Commuting

Driving personal cars for daily commutes contributes to air pollution and members must be made aware of this. Constant suggestions to use public transport and even encouraging them with discounts coupons and free tickets can make people ditch their private vehicles on some days. To address this among your members, incentivize alternative means of transportation.

There can be prizes for cycling to the office for a month or constant carpooling to motivate everyone. Not to forget, since coworking spaces are present at multiple locations, it is easily accessible through a short distance commute. This also helps members save time and money on commuting while contributing to reduced pollution and a lower carbon footprint.

Promoting Recycling

Recycling is one of the most common things to save the environment. However, not everyone is aggressive and active about it and doesn’t even make an effort to separate recyclables and non-recyclables. Placing a dustbin by each desk is good but it’ll be a lot better if you use a centralized dumping area with trash bins labelled. In this way, everyone will be a part of the recycling drive in a fully furnished office space for rent in Noida.

Technology integration

The global pandemic has increased the reliance of businesses on technology like never before. Green areas, flexible spaces, good coffee and other amenities are not sufficient. As discussed, installing intelligent LED lighting is extremely important for energy and cost conservation. Setting appropriate temperatures can also make a big difference.

Reducing temperatures can increase fuel consumption. Learn about the comfort levels of the members to identify areas that are over-heated or over-cooled. Air quality sensors can be installed to monitor the conditions in each room/zone and detect areas where heat may be escaping.

Raising awareness

It’s not only at the student level that one can be taught about saving the environment. There are numerous ways of informing people around you about environmental issues and how they can be dealt with. There can be seminars with environmental experts as speakers, workshops on recycling, sessions on how you can make difference in improving your premise or even a simple presentation.

Fortunately, there is no dearth of bright minds in a coworking space. If taken seriously, people will themselves come up with ideas on how everyone can contribute to sustainable behaviors.

It’s been a while since individuals and organisations are realising the significance of preserving resources for a better life. As workspace providers, we have a responsibility to shape and recover the way of working for positive change

At Let’s Connect India coworking, we use energy optimally, let maximum natural light in the space, eliminate paper and single-use crockery and take all necessary actions to create the ideal eco-friendly commercial office space for rent in Noida. Join us and be a part of a sustainable workspace working towards a better future!